Sheriffs News Event - Mis-labeled THC products and youth
The San Diego County Sheriff’s Office is raising awareness about the growing issue of THC products being mislabeled and deceptively marketed to children. Watch Sheriff Kelly A. Martinez host a news conference held on October 25, 2024. She was joined by District 2 County Supervisor Joel Anderson and Natalie Laub, M.D. of Rady Children’s Hospital. Representatives from the San Diego County Chiefs' and Sheriff’s Association, California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC), Neighborhood Market Association (NMA), Center for Community Research, Mano A Mano Foundation and SAY San Diego were also in attendance at the news conference.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the active compound in cannabis that causes the high sensation. Many food products or edibles such as candy, chocolate, cookies, brownies, and drinks claim to have little or no THC, but the San Diego County Sheriff's Regional Crime Laboratory's tests found they contain high levels of the drug. The consumables are sold at gas stations, smoke shops, convenience and liquor stores, dispensaries, and even major retail stores. They are often packaged in flashy, colorful designs meant to attract children and can lead to accidental consumption.
Parents and caregivers need to be aware of the risks of mislabeled THC products and ensure that all products that may contain cannabis are kept secure and out of reach of children. You can find more information at
