Evaluation Resources
CCR’s Evaluation Resources Division offers user-friendly, community level measurement services designed to assess “what works” most effectively. Our team of program evaluators employs surveys, focus groups, key stakeholder interviews, and metrics/trend data to develop best practices for prevention. To engage in meaningful research and evaluation activities, CCR developed and uses our Community Empowerment Model which encompasses the best elements of Utilization-Focused, Empowerment, Participatory, and Strength-Based approaches to evaluation practice.
Our staff of seasoned professionals maximize available resources by utilizing an assortment of complementary evaluation activities and services such as: evaluation training, technical assistance, meetings, and involving participants in the evaluation process (e.g., developing evaluation plans and logic models, identifying key outcomes and related measures, collecting data, and reporting findings).
Through our work, CCR has been able to: (a) assess community conditions that contribute to youth drug/alcohol use and other complex social problems; (b) measure change in key data indicators over time; and (c) evaluate the collective impact of system-level partners, parents, and youth working together towards community well-being and safety.
Our team prides itself in providing stakeholders with data on a timely basis and providing information to inform and track efforts.
Selected additional competencies include:
- Ability to work with diverse stakeholder groups in multiple languages
- Identifying and sharing best practices for evaluation and prevention services
- Collecting high quality evaluation data to demonstrate the impacts of a strategy, policy or program implementation over time
- Leveraging resources to provide efficient and effective evaluation services
- Building stakeholder capacity to use and make meaningful interpretations of data.

Our Services
Our core services include: evidence-based programs and practices, evaluation plan design and implementation, data analysis, report development, technical assistance, stakeholder engagement, and media advocacy.
Our team holds subject matter expertise in: alcohol and drug prevention, harm reduction, mental health, public health and safety, education, and messaging.
Explore Our Initiatives

CCR is proud to be a Certified “Live Well San Diego” Partner Organization since 2019.

CCR excels in the implementation of data collection methodologies and tools that have greatly assisted a variety of countywide programs and initiatives that are striving to improve the public health and safety of our communities.
— 2-1-1 San Diego